Ensure Time-Savings and Compliance With FMLA Software
Ecotime FMLA Software Module Benefits

Eligibility Verification
Ecotime’s FMLA tracking solution automatically verifies an employee’s eligibility for these benefits.

Employee Self-Service

Request Notifications

Automated Submission
Ecotime distributes all required documentation and tracks return dates and approvals.

Time Balance Tracking

Leave Tracking
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Features of the Best FMLA Tracking Software
Our FMLA management software automates the entire process, from an employee’s request, eligibility verification, routing requests to FMLA administrators, and keeping approvals and notifications on track.
Document Generation
Ecotime’s FMLA solution generates forms for the employee and customized reports to assist administrators as they manage the FMLA leave approval process. The system also tracks form completion and sends reminders as deadlines approach.
Ecotime Family Medical Leave Act software generates reports for administrators and human resources on FMLA eligibility, usage, and statistics. The system can also be configured to provide notifications to payroll administrators, supervisors, and managers.